Parish Ministries/Committees

Lectors - These ministers are instruments through which God reaches out to His people to convey His message of love.  This ministry requires careful preparation, study, and the skills of interpretation and communication.  Training is provided by the Parish.  Please contact the rectory if you are interested in becoming a lector.


Extraordinary Ministers of Communion - Members of this ministry assist the Presider in administering the Eucharist during Parish liturgies.  These ministers may also distribute the Eucharist to the hospitalized, homebound, and those in our local nursing homes.  Training is provided by the Parish.  Please contact the rectory if you are interested in becoming a Extraordinary Minister of Communion.


Altar Servers - Boys and Girls who have received their First Eucharist are eligible to become an Altar Server.  Altar Servers assist the Presider at Eucharistic Celebrations and other liturgical services.  Training is provided by the Parish.  Please contact the rectory if you are interested in becoming an Altar Server.


Ushers - This ministry consists of men, women, and young adults who assist in seating the congregation, collect the offerings, facilitate bringing up this gifts, assure an orderly communion process, and respond to special needs of parishioners.


Music - The members of this ministry support the Congregation in their sung prayer.  Parishioners may assume roles as Cantors and Choir Members.  We have and adult and a children's choir.  If anyone is interested in joining, please contact the rectory.


Social Concerns - This ministry strives to offer loving service to our fellow brothers and sisters through works of mercy.  There are many projects geared toward helping those in need.  This committee meets monthly.  Please see the bulletin and calendar for meeting dates/times.  All are welcome to attend.

So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead.  Indeed someone might say, "You have faith and I have works." Demonstrate your faith to me without works, and I will demonstrate my faith to you from my works.   (James 2:17-18)

Liturgy Committee - Members of this committee meet to help plan and coordinate the calendar of events for liturgical seasons, feasts, and other special liturgies.  Members are selected by the Pastor.

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